I tell stories … with images. Light, shadow, shape, form, texture: all are essential parts of strong composition. The rest of the ingredients — the spirit and inspiration that I weave into your images — comes from my passion for photography. The results are compelling images that tell your story.


Most people that I photograph are not professional actors and actresses. They give their time and energy; they allow me a window into their world. I’m grateful for that, and I make sure that they know it. By feeling good about their efforts, their levels of enthusiasm and energy can be huge. Translate: a really successful shoot.


Strong images can come from unscripted, magical moments. Others are born out of careful planning and vision. Work the angle. Hone the composition and lighting. Build those brief and all-important working relationships with the models. And watch for the magic. I create images that feel natural and spontaneous, and tell a story. Your story.


I begin every project by listening … carefully. And asking questions. I want to know what your photographic needs are, and who your target audience is. Mine is a collaborative approach. I welcome your input.

At the end of the day, I will have told a story. Yours.

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